Filed under Musings

New Year’s Non Resolutions

New Year’s Non Resolutions

I don’t believe in new years resolutions. By my thinking, if you want to do something, why not just do it? What difference does it make if it’s the first of January or the 20th of September? Approximately none, that’s how much. The only difference is that you and a million other people will likely … Continue reading

Hitting the books

Hitting the books

There was a time in my life when I thought that I would never stop studying. Any spare moment was spent buried in textbooks, or feeling guilty because I was preoccupied with procrastinating instead. I can assure you that my room/house had never been so clean. I finished high school and went straight into three … Continue reading

Eat yourself healthy

Eat yourself healthy

Last weekend I was invited to attend a healthy cooking class hosted by simplyhealth, the end result of which was me coming home and having a heated argument lively debate with the other half about eating breakfast. My request for him to try harder to have the most important meal of the day was somehow … Continue reading

Why wait?

Why wait?

It seems that we live in an instant everything society these days. We want everything yesterday. And if we can’t have it yesterday, at least today. Right this second. Information is constantly at our finger tips. Having a heated debate at a dinner party? No longer do we have to agree to disagree, we just … Continue reading

A leg up, or indulgent parenting?

A leg up, or indulgent parenting?

Buying property is always a hot topic at dinner parties. As humans, we can’t help but measure our progress compared to others, just to see if we are keeping up with the Joneses. So the latest news in Sydney’s expensive property market for parents to buy a million-dollar property for their children has the city … Continue reading

Knowing when to quit

Knowing when to quit

According to the Oxford Dictionary the definition of quit is “to leave a place, usually permanently”. In the real world, we tend to use the term “quit” a little more liberally. You can quit smoking (positive), quit whining (also positive), and quit your job (could go either way). Why is it then, that we so … Continue reading

The cult of the celebrity

The cult of the celebrity

As I was riding my bike through the streets of Paris one night a few weeks ago, my path was interrupted by a large group of people spilling out onto the street. Further inspection revealed metal barriers and paparazzi style cameras. Ah, must be a celebrity. The first time I saw a group of people … Continue reading